Work experience
- AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany.
- October 2024-Present: Principal Pharmacometrician
- June 2023-September 2024: Senior Pharmacometrician II
- May 2021-May 2023: Senior Pharmacometrician I
- August 2020-May 2021: Pharmacometrician
- Application of different modeling and simulation approaches to explain pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic dynamics based on clinical trial data.
- Institute for Computational Biomedicine, Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany.
- August 2019- July 2020: Postdoctoral researcher
- Formulated, analysed and simulated a multiscale model of cell communication between macrophages and fibroblasts.
- Calculated spatial statistics of experimental images through an image processing pipeline (using bash and python).
- Integrated data from different experiments to a mathematical model through a computational pipeline to improve model predictions.
- Institute for Applied Mathematics, Heidelberg University, Germany.
- August 2015- December 2019: Doctoral researcher
- Constructed an image processing pipeline (using C++, bash and Matlab) that processes experimental data, performs image segmentation and does a statistical analysis of migration measurements extracted from the experimental data.
- Developed a graphical user interface for the statistical analysis of cell migration data.
- Improved mathematical models of in-vitro cell dynamics by improving the description of cell migration and proliferation.
- Created an algorithm in C++ that couples a finite element discretisation and stochastic compartmental description of a reaction diffusion system.
- Examined finite element discretisations for solving reaction diffusion equations in C++.
- Worked closely with both wet and dry lab scientists from five international laboratories.
- 2015-2019: PhD in Applied Mathematics, Heidelberg University, Germany
- Graduated summa cum laude
- Thesis title: “Mathematical Models of Cell Migration and Proliferation in Scratch Assays”, supervised by Thomas Carraro (Institute for Applied Mathematics, IWR, Heidelberg University), Tomás Alarcón (Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona, Spain), Philip Maini and Helen Byrne (Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford).
- 2013-2015: Master of Science in Complex Systems Science
- 2014-2015: École Polytechnique, France
- Thesis 2: “Stochastic model for tumor control probability effects of repair from sublethal damage” supervised by Philip Maini and Helen Byrne
- Thesis developed at Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK.
- Designed, implemented and analysed a new stochastic model to quantify tumour response to radiotherapy taking into account sublethal damage.
- Assessed the predictivity of different tumour response models to radiotherapy using deterministic representations and stochastic individual-based simulations.
- Key subjects: Partial differential equations, functional analysis, agent-based modeling, mathematical methods in biology, partial differential equations of image processing
- 2013-2014: University of Warwick, UK
- Thesis 1: Modelling Calcium Waves in Different Dendritic Structures, supervised by Yulia Timofeeva
- Key subjects: Probabilistic and statistical inference, Quantifying correlation and complexity, Complexity and chaos in dynamical systems, Networks, Self-Organization and Emergence, Introduction to Theoretical Neuroscience, Population Dynamics
- 2014-2015: École Polytechnique, France
- 2008-2013: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico
- Graduated with Honors, overall GPA: 9.96/10
- Semester study abroad at the University of Ottawa, Canada
Technical skills
- Programming languages: C++, Python, Bash, R (proficient), Julia, HTML (familiar)
- Scientific software: NONMEM, Matlab, Netlogo, Morpheus, Inkscape
- Version control systems: git, github, bitbucket
- Office suites: LaTeX, Microsoft Office
- Languages: Spanish (native), English (advance), German (intermediate), French (basic)
Organization Experience
- Scientific Committee Member of the 3rd Bringing Young Mathematicians Together (BYMAT) Conference, Dec 1-3, 2020.
- Co-founder of “Mathematics of Life” Special Interest Group under the umbrella of the HGS MathComp.
- Co-organizer of the HGS MathComp 7th Annual Colloquium “Applied Sciences: Theory Comes True”, Altleiningen, Germany, Nov 30 - Dec 1, 2015.
- Organizer of the seminar “Biological Complex Systems” at the Complex Systems Institute, Paris Île-de-France, Dec 4, 2014.
See my publications page.
Awards, Scholarships and Funding
- 2015-2018: HGS MathComp Scholarship
- Full scholarship awarded by the HGS MathComp for proceeding PhD studies
- 2013-2105: Erasmus Mundus Category A Scholarship
- Full scholarship awarded by the European Union Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency to pursue a two year international Msc programme.
- 2012: Exxon Mobil Scholarship for Research and Success
- Research scholarship awarded by the Institute of International Education (IIE) Latin America and the Caribbean to support undergraduate research
- 2007: 3rd Place in the 21st Mexican Mathematical Olympiad